The Women Who Hunt Octopus
Rodrigues: An Island in Motion
This film features a largely unknown world: the small island of Rodrigues, set in the Indian Ocean. In order to rescue their tiny paradise, the octopus spear fishers and other lagoon fisher folk must set aside their roots, their culture, their traditions.
The island of Rodrigues is volcanic in origin, and is dominated by wild and romantic landscape. Occupying an area of just 104 square kilometers are 37,000 residents. They are Catholic Creoles, the descendents of slaves.
Here, everyday life is shaped by nature, by the rhythm of the tides. This island home is surrounded by an enormous turquoise lagoon. For generations, people here have earned their livelihoods through fishing.
But since 2003, the government and in particular international environment organizations have invested both funds and intensive efforts in order to “reorient” the local residents and fisher folk. For if they continue to live in the same way, to fish as they have over the past decades, the entire lagoon will soon be depleted, and the native wildlife eradicated: the very basis of life here will simply disappear.
The octopus spear fishers of Rodrigues themselves represent a huge problem. For decades, hundreds of them have gone out at low tide onto the reef of the lagoon. There, they use harpoons to spear the creatures which inhabit the coral reefs. In the process, they destroy the coral, the habitat of the octopus, and kill far too many of the younger offspring. It is anticipated that in just a few years, there will be no octopus left on Rodrigues, and the spear fishers will be out of work.
This film illuminates the challenges confronting many islands: the destruction of biological equilibrium, and consequently, deteriorating living conditions for residents. Rodrigues serves as a warning, one that is relevant worldwide. If the experiment succeeds, and the octopus spear fishers and net fishers are able, just a few years from now, to live without fishing the lagoon, if they are able to earn incomes in other ways, then their experiences may prove applicable to many other regions around the globe.
This documentary about the magical world of Rodrigues shows us a paradise well worth rescuing. Things move slowly here, and the people live according to their own peculiar rhythm. The film takes up this rhythm and shares with viewers the strengths of this singular island people, revealing a marvelous culture in motion.

weltweiter Vertrieb, München
Susanne Brand
45 min.
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