Magnificent Megacities
Kuala Lumpur, Casablanca, Jakarta, Dubai, and Muscat: all of these fascinating metropolises, with their Muslim characters, have one thing in common: each is the most important hub and trading center in its respective country, and each has become an international showplace, a global megacity, in recent years and decades. In the course of globalization, each cityscape has changed dramatically, and in each, the tradition of the souq and the mosque converges with the modern and postmodern world of skyscrapers and museums. The new, Western-oriented world meets One Thousand and One Nights, producing an entirely new dynamism. Each city has its own rhythm, its own light, its own characteristics traits, its unique approach to binding tradition to modernity. And each is an actor on the vast immensity of the global stage.
This series features five of the largest megacities in our globalized world, each a fascinating symbiosis of Orient and Occident, old and new. Characteristic of the singularity of each metropolis is its amalgamation of tradition and modernity. Their atmospheres, their architecture, their integration into the natural setting, and not least of all, their inhabitants, shape the faces of these cities as undiscovered highpoints, as MAGIC CITIES.
MAGIC CITIES is a visually brilliant series, a journey of discovery through five metropolises whose stunning images open up fresh perspectives. Each city is explored via imagery that corresponds to its dynamism and to its contrast from other metropolises. The dramaturgical realization of each part will revolve around a distinctive ambience. The films are designed to offer viewers a sense of genuine immersion in each city. The intention is to capture the contrast of old and new worlds visually with special intensity.

Worldwide Distribution:
TVF International
Great Britain
Susanne Brand, Nicola Graef, Heike Nikolaus
5x45 min.
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