How Equitable Is Germany's Family Policy?
One child, two children, three children – or no children at all? Various concepts of the family, various lifestyles – but which one receives the best treatment? We explore the question of just how fairly families are treated in Germany, just how equitable German family policies actually are. In the process, we get to know four different families: a family with many children, a ‘classical’ family with two or three children, a single mother, and a young couple who have just welcomed their first child into the world. According to the current report on families, 53% of the 8.1 million families in Germany have just ONE child. Why is this? Does the government lack the resources required to make the multi-child family more attractive? Or is there instead an absence of political will? If so, how might this change? We go in search of answers, calling on experts in order to find out which family model can expect to receive greater compensation from the German government.

Susanne Brand, Jessica Szczakiel
SWR Online
45 min.
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