Studio Vists II
During our second season of studio visits, we again call on young artists and observe them at work. The studio remains the ‘sacrosanct’ site for every artist, for it is here that creative impulses find their way onto paper or canvas – where ideas are contemplated, discarded, or tested in action. It is here that immense labor, self-doubt, and passion give rise to the final result – the work of art. In Leipzig, we visit Marie Rink, who prefers signing her works with the masculine name Oskar Rink. She fills her large-format canvases with abstract color planes, but also constructs spatial installations that translate the forms found on her canvases into three dimensions. The artistic production of Halle native Mike Okay ranges from comic-book-style figural drawings and portrait photos all the way to installations and objects involving experimental typography and cardboard cutouts. In his work, he draws upon a fascination for the rough immediacy of simple children’s drawings. Enrico Freitag, a painter from Weimar, is often preoccupied with the working class and with manual skill. His preferred media include charcoal on paper and oil on canvas. Currently, he is interested mainly in the refugee issue. His pictures often seem to come from the distant past, but upon closer examination, are revealed to be firmly anchored in the here and now.

Kira Pohl
MDR Kultur, Online only
3x6-12 min.
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