Honduras - Rainforest and Beaches
Untouched rainforests, mystical animals, white picture-book beaches and Caribbean islands: Honduras is a comparatively small country located between Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala, yet it has an unspoiled landscape of biological and cultural diversity. With its location on the Caribbean Sea and the associated second largest coral reef in the world around the Islas de la Bahía, the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef, Honduras is a true natural paradise. Although the area of the Central American land bridge makes up barely one percent of the entire surface of the earth, more than ten percent of all the plants and animal species we know today developed here. Arte Discovery takes viewers: inside on a journey through primeval mountain cloud forests in the interior, past scarlet macaws and sloths, down to enchanted caves with bats, to the dreamlike beaches with Caribbean flair in the north and iguanas that have returned to their natural habitat after 900 years. Honduras is the second largest country in Central America and inspires the senses with its crystal clear waters and fine sand, national parks with glorious wildlife, Mayan culture. Honduras overrides its bad reputation and is a true treasure of Central America thanks to its glorious flora and fauna.

Susanne Brand, Jessica Szczakiel
45/52 min.
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