Arte: Made in Asia


Weser Kurier

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The German slogan of a media chain, “Geiz ist geil† (meaning roughly “stingy is sexy†), is ubiquitous in Germany, repeated to the point of saturation as a trademark of our wider non-culture. Low prices are everything, quality a matter of indifference. Anyone who pays more is a fool, as suggested by the slogans of other enormous chains and discounters who offer their wares at cut–rate prices. Gigantic sales volumes testify to the success of these store chains. The ARTE evening on the theme of “Low Prices Are Everything† (“Hauptsache billig†) exposes the shadowy side of this price bonanza, the reality that workers often labor under harsh conditions. Especially those in the manufacturing nations. “Made in Asia – der globale Textilmarkt† (“Made in Asia - The Global Textile Market†)(8:40 p.m.) is the title of a documentary by Nicola Graef dealing with the production of cheap T-shirts, dresses, and sweaters. Today, labels reading “made in China† and “made in India† are found on many garments. In many cases, they conceal exploitation and inadequate wages. (...)

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